Urology is that branch of medical science which deals with problems of the urological tract or more specifically the organs responsible for producing and excreting urine from the body. These include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethera. In addition in males, problems of the prostate and external genital organs are also seen by urologists. Andrology or male infertility is also partly assessed by urologists specially trained for this sub-specialty of infertility.
Our specialist is available on prior appointment in the OPD.
Facilities available here are:
Medical and surgical treatments for urinary problems of both male and female patients – related to disorders of urethra and urinary bladder, ureters and kidney
Testicular biopsy and aspiration
Endoscopic and surgical management of prostatic enlargement
Urology is a subspecialty of surgery that deals with disorders of the genital and urinary systems in men and women. This includes everything from the kidney, bladder, prostate gland, etc. Urology was the first sub-specialty to break away from general surgery, at the turn of the century and has a long history.
We Treat stones of the kidneys, urethra, bladder, urinary incontinence, cancers of the kidneys, bladder, testicular disorders, prostate disorders including prostatitis and BPH (benign enlargement of the prostate), problems with sexual function and infertility in men, growth within the adrenal gland (a small gland on top of the kidneys), kidney transplants, urological problems in children (which includes a wide variety of abnormalities often present from birth), etc.
General & Laparoscopic Surgery
General surgery is the medical specialty dealing with abdominal surgical problems such as gallbladder stones, appendix, hernia, and colo-rectal problems such as hemorrhoids (piles). Thyroid and breast disorders are also treated under general surgery, as are several kinds of benign (non-cancer) growths such as lipoma, cysts, etc. in various parts of the body. The majority of general surgical procedures are now performed as laparoscopic procedures (Minimally Invasive Surgery).
Colo-rectal surgery – The rectal and colon diseases are treated under the colorectal sub-specialty within general surgery. Some of the major diseases treated under this surgical procedure include:
Rectal cancer
Anal fistula and anal fissures.
Breast surgery – Non-cosmetic breast surgery procedures, such as mastectomy and lumpectomy for treatment of breast cancer.
Endocrine surgery – Endocrine surgery procedures involve primarily the thyroid glands in the neck. Thyroidectomy is the most common procedure in this category.
Surgical Oncology – Surgical oncology is a branch of general surgery which deals with the treatment of various cancers in the abdomen and breast. Surgeries include Modified Radical Mastectomy and lumpectomy in the breast and various types of intestinal resections in the abdomen.
For further information on General Surgery procedures and cost, please call us and consult any of our general surgeons. We assure you an accurate description of the procedure along with days stay and pricing for the procedure.
Laparoscopic Surgery:
Laparoscopic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery which is performed through small (keyhole) incisions. As a result, the surgeries can be performed
Day Care procedures. At most, the patient may need to stay for one night. The recovery time is much lower compared to conventional techniques, it is far less painful with lesser bleeding during and after the surgery. It also has minimal surgical scar marks and therefore gives a much better cosmetic result.
Following are some of the surgeries performed using this technique:
Gallbladder removal (Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy)
Hernia repair
At The Touch clinic, we provide:-
One to one service.
One guidance staff nurse assigned for you for complete care throughout pregnancy.
Only center where post MD consultant sits with you throughout labour/ delivery.
Regular antenatal classes webinar.
After delivery, WE DON’T LEAVE YOU:-
During the postnatal visit, we prepare you and your partner for baby care.
Postnatal mommy makeover care is taken.
During covid pandemic, you can trust us, god forbid if you have covid, we will not abandoned you.
World-class services at the touch clinic.